Things You Need to Know Before Buying CBD Products

Things You Need to Know Before Buying CBD Products

The thousands of CBD products available worldwide make finding the right one seem like a daunting task. In reality, that is not the case. The first and most important question you need to ask yourself is “why do I want to use CBD?”

With all the available options, picking one that suits you becomes easy enough once you know what separates most CBD products from the really great ones. With the right information at hand, you can base your purchase on an informed decision. Below you will find a step-by-step guide detailing what factors you should consider when shopping for CBD products.

1. Decide why you want to use CBD

Naturally, the first question should be why you want to take CBD. Companies selling products that contain CBD have been touting its many possible health benefits, but you need to be selective with these claims. Preliminary studies suggest CBD can help with pain and anxiety management, as well as alleviate symptoms of multiple sclerosis and opioid addiction. For now, cannabidiol has certainly proven successful in the treatment of two rare and debilitating forms of epilepsy.

A 2016 study shows that CBD can be employed as a safe treatment for insomnia and anxiety in children suffering from PTSD.

There are reasons to believe CBD might have a relieving effect on muscle cramps, which would make it useful in recovering after physical exertion. Studies show that it might assist in reducing chronic pain by influencing the activity of your endocannabinoid receptors and reducing inflammation.

Though more research is needed, there are reasons to believe CBD might have antipsychotic effects in the case of patients with schizophrenia or other mental health conditions. 

Ultimately, your expectations regarding CBD products should be aligned with its potential effects and not based on unsubstantiated claims. In consequence, it is important that you use trustworthy sources to stay informed. One thing is certain though: as CBD garners more interest, we will see mores studies about its impact on the human mind and body, making it easier to decide what it can and can’t be used for.

2. Check the origin of the hemp it is derived from

The increased attention sparked by CBD and other cannabinoids has made growing hemp a lucrative business. It goes without saying that manufacturers of CBD products should source their material to regions and countries with robust hemp programs. Since not all hemp is grown equal, the characteristics of the final CBD product will reflect the conditions of the environment where the hemp biomass originates from.

Make sure that your preferred CBD products use hemp that was grown in accordance with strict regulations on THC content and illegal pesticide use. Not all companies adhere to these rules so it is wise to always check the labels and go with companies that provide transparency and traceability for their CBD products. 

3. Choose products that clearly list the CBD content

Look for products that clearly state their CBD content. This means not only the total amount of CBD (cannabidiol) contained in the whole bottle or package, but also the content in each dose. Dosages should be expressed in milligrams and in the case of CBD oil in dropper form, the CBD content per drop should also be communicated on the label or package.

The wide variety of CBD products available present considerable variance in terms of CBD and other cannabinoids content so each product should come with its specific set of instructions regarding dosage.

4. Request Certificates of Analysis (COAs)

While it is your right to know what goes into the products you use, it is safer to request this information when it is not clearly stated. The best CBD products are the ones that come with a Certificate of Analysis or COA. This is a very important document that shows you how well the product performed when tested for CBD and THC levels as well as contaminants such as heavy metals and harmful bacteria or fungi.

If a retailer fails or refuses to supply their COAs, it would be safer for you to find a different source for your CBD product.

5. Understand what other information is presented on the product label

Not all CBD products are made equally. There are several extraction methods, each with its own pros and cons. Some extractions methods leave behind harmful residues while others produce clean CBD oil.

On some labels, you will notice the term CO2 extraction, which refers to the use of high pressure carbon dioxide (CO2) gas instead of chemical solvents. This is regarded as a clean extraction method that leads to a pure CBD product. There are also differences between one type of CO2 extraction and another, with some being focused on extracting solely CBD, while others manage to obtain the entire spectrum of cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids contained in the Cannabis sativa L plant.

This becomes relevant when choosing between products that are described as full spectrum, broad spectrum or based on CBD isolate. Full spectrum products promote the entourage effect, an intriguing result that manifests itself when multiple cannabinoids are included in the same preparation. The quote “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts” certainly applies in the case of cannabinoid effect on humans and other mammals, and their compounded ramifications and interactions are still being discovered.

6. If the product makes unbelievable claims, it is best to avoid it

Some of the effects of CBD on human health have been determined while others are still under scrutiny. As such, if you encounter CBD products that make dramatic or dubious claims, it is safer to avoid them.

Many companies have been penalised for making unsubstantiated health claims and abusing their customers’ trust or lack of information. Practice prudence and stay safe!

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